Our Community
Our Lady of the Assumption

Our Community
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School
We are a welcoming and inclusive community who understand the importance and value of a positive relationship between home and school. At Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School there are many opportunities for parents to partner with the school. Families are strongly encouraged to work with school in the education and faith development of their child. Parents are always very welcome at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School and you, as parents, make a valuable contribution to the school and parish community. At OLA we are proud of our strong connection between Parish and School. ​
Within the school, parents are able to assist in many ways including:
OLA School Advisory Council (OSAC)
Parents & Friends Association
Classroom Helper Program – Literacy, Mathematics PMP, Excursions
Attendance at Working Bees
Canteen Volunteer
Sacramental Program
Social and Fundraising Events
Attending Parent/Child workshops
Assistance with other programs such as Scholastic Book Club, Commonwealth School Banking, etc.
Families have the opportunity to use the Seesaw App. Seesaw is a platform which promotes partnership between family and school. Students are able to share their learning with their families. Families are encouraged to respond to the student's learning. Nothing is shared without teacher approval. It is a wonderful opportunity for families to have a look at what happens in the classroom and to celebrate their child’s learning.
Families are also encouraged to support their children’s learning by attending curriculum evenings such as the Family Maths Night, Art Show and Performing Arts concerts. These evenings are an opportunity for the children to proudly showcase what they have been learning in specific curriculum areas. They are very successful, well attended evenings and they are enjoyed by the children, families and teachers as well. Families are asked to support their children’s learning by attending curriculum evenings such as the Family Maths Night, Art Show and Performing Arts concerts. These evenings are an opportunity for the children to proudly showcase what they have been learning in specific curriculum areas. They are very successful, well attended evenings and they are enjoyed by the children, families and teachers.

Parish Connection
Our strong Parish connection
The school and Parish work together to develop the faith formation of our students, teachers and the community. Students have regular opportunities to attend Mass and share experiences with our fellow Parishioners.

OLA School Advisory Council (OSAC)
Working together to improve student outcomes
School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the school, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
The following are some examples of the many ways the School Advisory Council may support the school and the principal:
articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
promoting faith formation and development
supporting school policies as required
giving advice to the principal on issues such as school improvement plans and enrolment trends
engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
giving advice to the principal about the school master plan
providing capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal.
OLA School Advisory Council members for 2025:
Richard Jacques
Caitlan Taig
Sally Wright (Co-Chair)
Lucas Ryle (Co-Chair)
Pat Moran (Secretary)
Lauren Hel
Ros Sayers
Ella Meagher
Fr Alan Fox

Parents & Friends Association
Building sense of community
The OLA Parents & Friends Association (P&F) aims to encourage social interaction between families (by organising events for parents, students and staff) and assist in building a sense of community and wellbeing within the school. It also exists to raise funds for projects and resources that would not otherwise be financed and that will benefit the students. In past years, events have included Welcome picnics, trivia nights, breakfasts, cocktail nights, fetes, along with raising money with raffles and other fundraising activities.
The P&F welcomes all parents and encourages you to become involved. Being a member of the P&F is a rewarding and enjoyable way of being involved in our school community. It offers the opportunity to meet school families, make new friends (across various year levels) and contribute to the vibrant OLA community. Most importantly, involvement in the P&F benefits your child/children.
P&F Executive Team for 2025
Lauren Koukoumanos & Claudelle Salter (Co-Chair)
Eli Dunlevie (Secretary)
Ben Gray (Treasurer)
Grade Representatives play an important role in the P&F. The primary role of a Grade Representative is to develop a friendly, supportive, inclusive community within each year level and to facilitate open and effective communication across the school in relation to P&F social and fundraising events. As a Class Rep, parents attend P&F meetings to communicate meeting outcomes back to the year level parents, welcome new families to the school, and help organise and promote social and fundraising events for the wider school, year level or class group.
P&F Contact Details: pandf@olacheltenham.catholic.edu.au

Be Involved
Inviting our community to get involved
We invite our community to get involved with the activities at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School. Come along and be a part of:
Mother’s Day, Father's Day and Special Person's breakfast
Mother's Day and Father's Day Stall
OLA Second Hand Uniform Shop
Colour Run
Guest Speakers
Classroom Helpers
Parent Information Night
Social Events for Parents
Movie & Disco Night
Interschool Sport
Sacramental Workshop Nights