Our School
Our Lady of the Assumption

Our School
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School
Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) is a parish primary school built on a strong faith foundation calling us to be people of action in our world. The school programs are designed to foster the skills and talents of all students and bring parents into partnership with their children in the learning process. Our teachers are highly dedicated and well respected within the community.
OLA offers some outstanding educational opportunities for our Prep – Year 6 students and we pride ourselves on our wonderful community spirit. We invite you to take a moment to explore our website and learn more about our school.
At OLA Parish Primary School we strive to live out our Vision to be a place of welcome. We hope there is a strong sense of belonging for each member of our community. We aim to promote within our students a love for learning. Our concern at OLA is to educate the whole person. The religious, social, academic, physical and emotional aspects of our students are vitally important as we encourage each child to reach their potential.
Our staff are highly professional, motivated and dedicated to supporting each and every student. Parent partnerships are very important to us here at OLA. Together we aim to deliver an education of the highest quality. We invite parents to be involved in the life of OLA, knowing that this involvement maximises educational outcomes for our students.

Our History
We are proud of our beginnings and history
Our Lady of the Assumption School (OLA) is situated in the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) South Central Zone in Cheltenham. OLA was established as a church and school in 1951 with an enrolment of 80 students and staffed by the Brigidine Sisters. At this time, Cheltenham was part of the Highett parish. In 2021, OLA celebrated the anniversary of seventy years of delivering quality education. The school is an integral part of the OLA Community.
Our Mission
Promoting a love of learning
We promote a love of learning, through partnership with families, staff and the Parish community in a just and inclusive environment.

Our Vision
Welcoming community to all
We, at OLA, are a welcoming Christian community, living and celebrating with faith and gratitude in the spirit of Jesus.

School Prayer
May we learn to be just like Jesus
God, loving creator. Thank you for this day.
Guide our hearts to live in your way of love.
Lead the OLA community into actions of generosity and kindness.
May we learn to be just like Jesus. Amen

Learning Spaces
Spaces for all of our learners
We are fortunate to have a variety of different learning spaces at OLA. Such spaces include:
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Makerspace
Indonesian Room
Visual Art Room
Performing Arts room and stage
OLA Instrumental Program spaces
Modern, bright and open Church onsite
Large hall (includes kitchen to use with classes)
What I Need (WIN) intervention room (for both enabling and extending our learners)
Oval featuring soccer goals, AFL goals, running track and long jump pit
Green space with outdoor stage as well as tables and chairs
Adventure playground featuring student favourites; the spider climbing frames and large tyres
Well stocked and up to date library
Outdoor spaces for our Gardening Program
Meet Our Team
Nice to Meet You

Richard Jacques

Caitlan Taig
Deputy Principal, Religious Education Leader and Mathematics Leader

Fr Alan Fox
Parish Priest

Maria Hogan
Administration Team

Sharan Talbot
Administration Team

Josy Reeder
Learning & Teaching Leader
Learning Diversity and Student Wellbeing Leader

Emma Summers
Grade 1 Classroom Teacher

Shelby Turner
Literacy & Intervention Leader

Catherine Harrison
Prep Classroom Teacher

Jamee Montebruno
Prep Teacher

Eliza Jones
Gr 3/4 Classroom Teacher and Middle School Level Leader

Di McDowall
Learning Support Officer

Di Milburn
Library Support

Emma Tiberi
Grade 1 Classroom Teacher

Rosie Siracusa
Learning Support Officer

Ann Arthur
Learning Support Officer

Gen O'Meara
Gr 3/4 Classroom Teacher

Mauve O’Halloran
Gr 5/6 Classroom Teacher

Emilie Brady
Gr 2 Classroom Teacher

Sam Hudson
Gr 3/4 Classroom Teacher and Visual Art Specialist Teacher

Lara Berley
Prep and Grade 2 Classroom Teacher

Katherine Grima
Library Support

Natasha Lim
Prep Classroom Teacher

Trish O'Gorman
Performing Arts Specialist Teacher

Cecilia Moya
Spanish Specialist Teacher

Liz Thompson
Physical Education Specialist Teacher

Nicole Collins
Gr 3/4
Classroom Teacher

Steve Pertz
Gr 5/6 Classroom Teacher and Senior Level Leader

Michael Glennon
Gr 5/6 Classroom Teacher

Michela Vella
Gr 2 Classroom Teacher and Junior School Level Leader

Ellie MacKenzie
Gr 3/ Classroom Teacher

Fiona Lee
Gr 3/4 Classroom Teacher

Clare Flood
STEM Specialist Teacher

Ruby Powell
Learning Support Officer

Important information and useful documentation
Annual Report to the Community
School Policy Database

Before & After School TheirCare
Out of hours school care

TheirCare is available for all children at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School from 7:00am until 8:45am in the morning and from 3:15pm until 6:00pm each school day. During School Holidays and Pupil Free Days the service will operate from 7:00am until 6:00pm. Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website: www.theircare.com.au Families are eligible for a Government Rebate called the Child Care Subsidy which can reduce the cost per session by up to 90%.
More information can be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare Support Team on 1300 072 410. TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. During sessions, children develop life skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play-based programs.

Representing the OLA family
The children at OLA are very proud of their school. The purpose of the school uniform is to identify each student as a member of this community, and thereby to establish a common bond. The parents and staff together believe that wearing a simple school uniform enhances this feeling of belonging. The wearing of uniforms establishes attitudes of pride and cooperation and adds to the tone of the school. Parents are urged to ensure children wear their uniform and take pride in their appearance. During First and Fourth terms the school hat is a uniform requirement.
New uniforms can be purchased from Bob Stewart’s 93 Balcombe Road, Mentone 3194 – www.bobstewart.com.au
The second-hand uniform shop is open a couple of times per term and is run by a fantastic team of OLA parents. Keep an eye out in the newsletter and on Operoo for upcoming dates!
Term 1 and 4 Summer Uniform; students must wear a hat.
Term 2 and 3 Winter uniform.

Fun Fresh Foods
Fun Fresh Foods will provide Lunch and Recess Tuckshop service every Friday
Their food is made fresh and onsite, every Friday, with a variety of fun and healthy choices. Home baked goods are also available to purchase over the counter at both playtimes. Fun Fresh Foods Ordering is done online via www.flexischools.com.au
Please see attached documents for more information.